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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal lain (atau sudah dijelaskan dalam Komentar kepada Editor).
  • File naskah dalam format dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, atau RTF.
  • Referensi yang dapat diakses online telah dituliskan URL-nya.
  • Naskah diketik dengan teks 1 spasi; font 12; menggunakan huruf miring, bukan huruf bergaris bawah (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel diletakkan dalam teks pada tempat yang diharapkan, bukan dikelompokkan tersendiri di akhir naskah.
  • Naskah mengikuti aturan gaya selingkung dan bibliografi yang disyaratkan dalam Panduan Penulis.

Author Guidelines

Preparation of the manuscript:

  1. All manuscripts must be written in English and should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
  2. Use A4 paper; the margins for the top and left are 3 cm, and the bottom and right are 2.5 cm. The maximum length should be 20 pages, including text, tables, figures, and references, in Times New Roman font,
  3. Number all pages consecutively.
  4. The title should be concise, descriptive, and accurately represent the manuscript's content.
  5. Include an abstract of no more than 250 words summarizing the study's objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions.
  6. Provide the full names and affiliations of all authors.
  7. Indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk and provide their email address for correspondence.
  8. Start with an introduction stating the study's research problem, objectives, and significance.
  9. Organize the body of the manuscript into sections such as materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusion.
  10. Use subheadings to enhance clarity and organization.
  11. Follow the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) style for in-text citations and references.
  12. Cite all sources accurately and include a complete reference list at the end of the manuscript.
  13. Ensure all references are cited within the text and vice versa.
  14. Number all figures and tables sequentially and provide informative captions.
  15. Ensure figures and tables are of high quality and can be easily understood.
  16. Include a brief description or explanation for each figure or table in the main text.
  17. Clearly state any ethical considerations associated with the study, including approval from relevant ethics committees or institutional review boards.
  18. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise that may have influenced the research or its outcomes.
  19. Submit manuscripts electronically via our online submission system.
  20. Include a cover letter briefly describing the research and its significance.
  21. Include any additional supporting files or data as necessary.

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Journal of Data Insights uses an open access system for all articles published by bringing the principle of providing and disseminating research results freely to the public to support the advancement of science.