Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceeding of Public Health Seminar]
<table width="661"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="119">Proceeding name</td> <td width="12">:</td> <td width="481"><strong>PROSIDING SEMINAR KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT [PROCEEDING OF PUBLIC HEALTH SEMINAR]</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="119">Abbreviation</td> <td>:</td> <td width="481">PRIMA KESMAS</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="119">e-ISSN</td> <td>:</td> <td width="481">3026-4863</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="119">Frequency</td> <td>:</td> <td width="481">1 (satu) kali setahun, setiap Oktober [Once a year; every October]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="119">DOI</td> <td>:</td> <td>10.26714/pskm</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="119">Editor in Chief</td> <td>:</td> <td width="481"><strong>Agung Widodo, S.Pd, M.Or</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="119">Publisher</td> <td>:</td> <td width="481">Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="119">Indexing</td> <td>:</td> <td width="481"><a href="">[Google]</a> <a href="">[Garuda]</a> <a href="">[Crossref]</a> <a href="">[ASCI]</a> <a href="">[OAJIF]</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarangen-USProsiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceeding of Public Health Seminar]3026-4863Detection of Pig DNA Contamination in Facial Creams Containing Collagen Using Conventional PCR
<p><strong>Background</strong><strong>:</strong> Cosmetics are pharmaceutical preparations intended to support appearance or care for the body. Both local and imported facial whitening products are mostly marketed at varying prices, from cheap to expensive, making more people buy them. The supply of collagen extracted from mammals has recently been limited and is mostly obtained from the tendons and skin of cattle and pigs. The collagen content not listed on cosmetic packaging makes people worried about pork collagen being contaminated, therefore detection is needed to find out. This research aimed to detect whether there was pork contamination in facial cream products containing collagen with Cytochrome b (Cyt-b) primers using conventional PCR. <strong>Method</strong><strong>:</strong> The research design is exploratory. The samples used were 5 facial cream samples and one positive control. Samples were subjected to DNA extraction, DNA concentration quantification, PCR, and DNA electrophoresis. <strong>Result</strong><strong>:</strong> In the positive control, a DNA band of ~149 bp specifically targeting Cytochrome b was formed, while the facial cream sample did not form a DNA band. <strong>Conclusion</strong><strong>:</strong> The five facial creams used as samples were not contaminated with pork contamination.</p>Meutia Srikandi FitriaJuliana Permata DewiAna Hidayati Mukaromah
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat
2024-10-302024-10-30October19Challenges and Effectiveness of Neurological Therapy: New Bobath Concept in Stroke Patient Rehabilitation
<p><strong>Background:</strong> This study investigated the effectiveness of the New Bobath Concept and virtual therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with neurological conditions, especially stroke. <strong>Method:</strong> A literature review of five scientific articles revealed that the New Bobath Concept is effective in improving motor function and functional activity of stroke patients. <strong>Result:</strong> The use of virtual therapy as a support for the New Bobath Concept has also been shown to accelerate the recovery process and increase patient participation. The analysis of scientific articles also highlighted the importance of developing more specific therapeutic strategies to maximize neuroplasticity adaptation and accelerate the recovery process. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Suggestions are suggested to conduct further research with a wider sample, integrate the latest technology, and involve health experts in developing practical guidelines. These efforts are expected to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation and the quality of life of patients with neurological conditions.</p>Yusuf Ardian SuradinataFany Jessica Gresia ZahraAnindya Inas DaneswaraFerosa Pradipta Priyambudi
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat
2024-10-302024-10-30October1018Differences in Hemoglobin Levels in Patients with Thalassemia Major and Minor at Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic Hospital
<p><strong>Background:</strong> One of the genetic diseases that is usually detected in children is thalassemia. World Health Organization (WHO) states that thalassemia is the most common hereditary disease in the world and has been recognized as a world health problem. Indonesia is one of the countries in the world's thalassemia belt. Thalassemia major is the most severe clinical condition of thalassemia. Thalassemia minor can also be called a carrier trait and does not show clinical symptoms. Supporting examinations can be carried out with simple laboratory tests, one of which is measuring hemoglobin levels. This study aimed to determine the differences in hemoglobin levels in patients with thalassemia major and thalassemia minor at RSI Sultan Agung Semarang. <strong>Method:</strong> The type of research used was cross-sectional, with a sample size of 48 people. Hemoglobin level data was obtained from the medical records of Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic Hospital. The data distribution is normal, so the difference test is tested using the independent t-test. <strong>Result:</strong> The average hemoglobin levels in patients with thalassemia major and thalassemia minor are 5.7 mg/dL and 10.6 mg/dL. The independent t-test shows a significance value of 0.00 (<0.05). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> There are differences in hemoglobin levels in thalassemia major and thalassemia minor patients at Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic Hospital, although hemoglobin levels in both thalassemia major and minor patients are still below the reference value.</p>Sri Mayang SariRagil SaptaningtyasGela Setya Ayu PutriAndri Sukeksi
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat
2024-10-302024-10-30October1924Differences in Alcohol Consumption Duration on Cholesterol Levels
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Alcohol is toxic containing hydrophilic ethanol so that it easily enters the body which will be converted into acetaldehyde by aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and oxidized to acetate. Excessive acetate is converted into acetyl-CoA which is converted into fatty acids that will continue to accumulate to increase cholesterol. Consuming alcohol within 5 years with a frequency of 3-4x per week can increase cholesterol levels. The study aimed to determine the difference in the duration of alcohol consumption (≤ 5 and > 5 years) on cholesterol levels. <strong>Method</strong>: Analytic observational research with a cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken randomly from as many as 20 people who consumed alcohol ≤ 5 and > 5 years at a cafe in Salatiga. Cholesterol levels were examined using the POCT method, and then cholesterol levels were statistically analyzed using Shapiro Wil and Independent T-Test. <strong>Result</strong>: The mean cholesterol levels of respondents who consumed alcohol ≤ 5 and > 5 years were 172.30 ± 16.63 mg/dL and 236.80 ± 34.74 mg/dL, respectively. Cholesterol levels of respondents who consume alcohol ≤ 5 are still in the normal category while cholesterol levels of respondents who consume > 5 years fall into the high-risk category. Based on the statistical results, it is known that the data is normally distributed and there are differences between respondents who consume alcohol ≤ 5 years and > 5 years. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The cholesterol levels of respondents who consumed alcohol > 5 years were higher than those who consumed alcohol ≤ 5 years.</p>Fitri NuroiniDela Putri AgustinJoko Teguh IsworoAndri Sukeksi
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat
2024-10-302024-10-30October2531Uncovering the Psychological Impact of Domestic Violence: A Case Study on Housewives in Village Asei Besar East Sentani District Jayapura Regency
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Forty percent of women in Papua experience domestic violence, and one of the causes is alcohol consumption. Violence against housewives impacts maternal psychic. This research aims to identify the types of domestic violence and their psychic impact and identify the dominant violence affecting them. <strong>Method</strong>: Data on domestic violence were collected using the Rasyid Questionnaire and Psychological Variables using a questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization, namely WHO QoL-BREF. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis was used to study the forms of violence that affect the psychic of housewives. <strong>Result</strong>: The highest form of violence having a psychological impact was sexual; domestic violence was 86 (100%). The highest psychological impact of housewives is not feeling satisfied and not proud of themselves 103 (78%). The most sequentially significant types of domestic violence are sexual violence P value; 0.000, Having an affair (p-value; 0.001), Mild physical violence (p-value; 0.004); psychological violence: abuse, humiliation (P value; 0.013, harassment, insulting (P value; 0.017), drunkenness and spanking (p-value;0.028), violence kicking, hitting, attempted murder of family members at home (0.038), irritability (p-value; 0.04). The most dominant influence on the mother's psychological is having an affair p-value of 0.015 and OR 14.2 (1.6-122.4). <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The most common form of violence is hitting, trapping, and pushing, and the dominant form of violence affecting the mother's psyche is that the husband has an affair. It is necessary to monitor and identify domestic violence, especially in pregnant women, which is integrated with Antenatal Care and services at the Community Health Center.</p>Hasmi HasmiSarce Makaba
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat
2024-10-302024-10-30October3241Health Literacy Associated with Sexual Risk Behavior of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Adolescents
<p><strong>Background</strong><strong>:</strong> The morbidity rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents tends to increase steadily. The main problem is that adolescents also engage in sexually unsafe risky behaviors. According to past studies, there have been a lot of studies on sexual risk behaviors in adolescents. However, there have been no definitive studies about the association between various factors and health literacy with the sexual risk behavior of STIs in adolescents, which is still controversial. This study aims to evaluate the association between health literacy and sexual risk behavior of sexually transmitted infections among adolescents. <strong>Method:</strong> A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted among a population of Thai adolescents aged 15-24 years who were in an educational institution in Muang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province in 2023. The primary outcome of this study was the sexual risk behavior in STIs of adolescents and factors of interest such as health literacy. Questionnaires were administered for data collection. Statistical analysis includes descriptive statistics for the characteristics data were described using frequency and percentage for categorical data. The mean, standard deviation, median, and minimum and maximum ranges were used for continuous data. Both bivariate and multiple logistic regression to evaluate the association between each factor and sexual risk behavior in STIs. Results were presented as adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval and p-value was computed to determine the level of significance. <strong>Result:</strong> of 450 adolescents aged 15-24 years, 47.56% were female and 52.44% were male, with a mean age of 19.07± 2.37 years old (range: 15-24). The overall percentage of high levels of sexual risk behaviors for STIs was 77.33%. Adolescents with low sexual health literacy were found to have a high level of sexual risk behaviors for STIs of 78.81% and male adolescents were found in 74.15%. Low sexual health literacy and male adolescents were more likely to have a high level of sexual risk behaviors for STIs (ORadj= 1.09; 95% CI: 0.29 – 1.17 and ORadj= 5.10; 95% CI:1.98 – 5.08, respectively). <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Our findings demonstrated a high percentage of high levels of sexual risk behaviors for STIs among adolescents. Adolescents who had a low health literacy were more likely to have a high level of sexual risk behavior for STIs. Comprehensive sexually transmitted infection (STIs) prevention programs should be implemented, especially for adolescents.</p>Praewathip SutheeraphrasertBosaporn WirunpanRhatha Chaisingh
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat
2024-10-302024-10-30October4250The Effect of Combination Therapy of Brain Gymnastics and Elderly Gymnastics on Improving Cognitive Function in the Elderly
<p><strong>Background: </strong>The increasing prevalence of elderly individuals experiencing a decline in cognitive function impacts their daily activities and increases their dependency on others. The study aimed to determine the effect of combined brain exercise and elderly exercise therapy on improving cognitive function in older people at Sudagaran Banyumas Social Service Home for the Elderly<strong>.</strong> <strong>Method:</strong> This quantitative study utilized a Quasi-Experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group approach. The sample consisted of 30 elderly individuals, selected using total sampling techniques. The instrument used was the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Data analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney test. <strong>Result:</strong> The results revealed that most respondents were female, with 11 women (73.3%) in the intervention group and eight women (53.3%) in the control group. The average age of respondents was between 60-69 years, with ten individuals (66.7%) in the intervention group and six individuals (40.0%) in the control group. Most respondents were in elementary school education, with seven individuals (46.7%) in the intervention group and six individuals (40.0%) in the control group having no formal education. The MMSE scores of older people who received the intervention revealed a significant increase, from an average score of 18.67 to 20.73. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Indicating a substantial effect of combined brain exercise and elderly exercise therapy on improving cognitive function in older people. Older people are expected to regularly engage in activities to enhance cognitive function further</p>Hanni’ Ma’rifatul AmanahIsna HikmawatiAsiandi AsiandiWahyu Riyaningrum
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceedings of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-302024-10-30October5157Analysis of Sabit Kick Agility in Pencak Silat Sports
<p><strong>Background</strong>: In the realm of Pencak Silat, the speed of the sabit kick is a critical aspect that distinguishes between an athlete's skill and proficiency. A technical movement must possess an optimal level of effectiveness and efficiency. Pencak Silat is a traditional Indonesian martial art that encompasses a variety of techniques and movements, one of which is the sabit kick. The sabit kick is a crucial technique in Pencak Silat, requiring agility, precision, and strength to be executed effectively. In Pencak Silat competitions, the sabit kick is frequently used to score points or even to defeat an opponent. Therefore, analyzing the agility involved in executing the sabit kick in a competitive context is essential. An athlete’s ability to perform the sabit kick quickly and accurately can be a decisive factor in the outcome of a match. Good agility enables athletes to respond swiftly to their opponent’s movements and to execute techniques at the right moment. <strong>Method</strong>: This study employs a quantitative descriptive approach. The research subjects consisted of 61 members of Tapak Suci MTS Muhammadiyah Pekalongan City, selected using a total sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through tests and measurements of sabit kick agility. The test procedure involved subjects performing sabit kicks with both the right and left legs, maneuvering over 30 cm high cones within 15 seconds. Subsequently, data analysis was conducted using percentage techniques to understand the frequency distribution of the test results. <strong>Result</strong>: The results of the sabit kick agility test for Tapak Suci MBS KH. Mas Mansyur athletes revealed that 8.19% or 5 athletes were categorized as sufficient, 44.26% or 27 athletes as poor, and 47.54% or 29 athletes as very poor. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: to achieve optimal performance, enhancing the agility of the sabit kick must be a top priority in the development of training programs at Tapak Suci MBS KH. Mas Mansyur.</p>Muhammad Riski Adi WijayaAwan HarionoRony SyaifullahHaris Nugroho
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceedings of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-302024-10-30October5863The Effect of Interval Training on Increasing VO2Max and Hemoglobin Levels in Central Java PPLOP Athletes
<p><strong>Background</strong>: In adolescence, the level of anemia is very high so it is feared that it can affect athlete performance, while athletes must have high hemoglobin levels to support their performance in training and competing. This study also aims to determine methods for increasing hemoglobin levels besides using iron-rich foods. <strong>Method</strong>: This study uses an experimental method with independent variables interval training and dependent variables VO2Max and hemoglobin levels. The population in this study were PPLOP Central Java karate athletes, the sampling technique used was total sampling. The test instrument used to measure VO2Max was the Balked test and the test instrument to measure hemoglobin was the HemoCue blood photometer. <strong>Result</strong>: the results in this study interval training can increase VO2Max with an average increase of 1.73% and interval training can increase hemoglobin levels by an average of 5.98 gr/dl. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: interval training can be used as a reference for increasing VO2Max and hemoglobin levels, for optimal increases can be accompanied by consumption of foods high in iron.</p>Ahad Agafian DhuhaAndre YogaswaraNabil HajarMohammad Fajar Firdaus
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceedings of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-302024-10-30October6468Waste Reduction Based on Adsorption Aqueous Lead Nitrate by Chicken Feather
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Chicken feathers can be used as an alternative treatment for metal ions in wastewater with a concentration of lead nitrate. This paper will describe the ability of chicken feathers that were activated by only Sodium hydroxide and by Sodium hydroxide with Hydrochloric acid based on some variation of the weight of chicken feathers to reduce the concentration of lead nitrate and subsequently, characterizing the spectral outcomes. <strong>Method</strong>: A quasi-experimental research with pre-test post-tests equivalent control groups design will be done. The purposive sampling consists of aqueous Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> and chicken feathers are used. The 5 mg/L Pb solution was made from Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> whose levels had been tested with AAS and were detected at 4.183 mg/L. Variations in chicken feather mass of 1.4 grams; 1.5 grams; 1.6 grams; and 1.7 grams were tested. <strong>Result</strong>: Based on the activation treatment, chicken feathers with a weight of 1.7 grams activated by sodium hydroxide have the highest ability to adsorb aqueous lead nitrate. The spectra match the functional groups of keratin. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Activation using sodium hydroxide has reached a high adsorption presentation capacity. The spectral results match the functional groups of keratin C-H, C-O, N-H<sub>2</sub> groups.</p>Shalihat Afifah Dhaningtyas
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceeding of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-302024-10-30October6977Training Model for Injury Prevention in Archery: A Literature Study
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Sports injuries are a problem that occurs in athletes both during, competing, and after training. The injury gets worse If incorrectly treated. This research explores a literature review study on injury management training models for archery athletes. <strong>Method</strong>: This research is limited to injuries that often occur in archery sports, analysis of the physical needs of archery sports, and archery injury prevention training models taken in 20 journals, both international and national. <strong>Result</strong>: The results showed that in archery, injuries to the upper body are the most common (shoulder, finger, and hand injuries) and are also frequently reported. The factors that cause most injuries are internal factors (technical errors or movements when playing) and external factors (the environment or bad weather while playing). Injury management models include the sequence of prevention of sports injuries; dynamic and recursive models of sports injury etiology; and comprehensive models of injury causes. The training models for Injury Prevention in Archery were Body Mass Density (BMD); Range of Motion (ROM); Translation Research Model of Injury Prevention Practice (TRIPP), the Haddon Matrix model, the decision-based RTP model; and the Team-sport Injury Prevention (TIP) model. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The literature on injury prevention in archery reveals that, although the sport is generally considered low-impact, it presents unique physical demands that can lead to both acute and chronic injuries, particularly in the shoulder, elbow, and back.</p>Annisa Asy SyahidahMuhad FatoniAnugrah Nur Warthadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceeding of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-302024-10-30October7887Transformation of Global Healthcare Systems Towards Sustainable Health Resilience
<p>.</p>Wongsa Laohasiriwong
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceedings of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-312024-10-31OctoberExperience of -Innovative Strategies for Enhancing Health Service Delivery in Timor-Leste Through Digital Health Technologies
<p>.</p>Joaquim de Jesus Vaz
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceedings of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-312024-10-31OctoberExploration of Natural Resources of Potential Candidates for Novel Therapeutic Agents
<p>.</p>Ulfa Nurullita
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceedings of Public Health Seminar]
2024-10-312024-10-31OctoberThe Role of Sports Technology in Enhancing Athletic Performance and Injury Prevention
<p>.</p>Japhet Ndayisenga
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Seminar Kesehatan Masyarakat [Proceedings of Public Health Seminar]